It’s all about ergonomics
The purpose of ergonomically designed tools is to prevent repetitive strain injuries or injuries that develop over time from repetitive motion and improper body positioning. Repetitive strain injuries can happen to anyone in any profession, but hairdressers and barbers are especially susceptible to these slow developing (but serious nonetheless) injuries. Carpal tunnel syndrome, in particular, is incredibly common among hairdressers and barbers, given the nature of haircutting requires repetitive motion and often awkward hand positions to cut at different angles. The muscular discomfort, pain, weakness, and numbness associated with repetitive strain injuries can easily lead to difficulty working and reduced productivity. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be managed with stretching, massage therapy or surgery, but like many health issues, prevention is key.
Preventing Pain & Prolonging your Career
To understand how the Slider Shear can prevent short term discomfort and long term injury, it is helpful to understand the science behind repetitive strain injury prevention and ergonomics. The carpal tunnel is a rigid tube that runs down the palm side of the wrist and houses the nerves and tendons that control the hand. Any repetitive motion when the wrist is in a bent position creates friction and stress in the carpal tunnel area, and compress the median nerve, which may lead to a repetitive strain disorder such as carpal tunnel syndrome. To prevent a repetitive strain injury, one must pay close attention to proper posturing and positioning, especially in the hands and wrists. A correct position for the wrist is known as a neutral wrist position, where the wrist is straight, the fingers are curved slightly inward, and the thumb is in a relaxed position. A neutral position reduces tension in the muscles, and more importantly, an unbent wrist keeps the carpal tunnel in a straight position. This prevents friction between the inner carpal tunnel and the median nerve and prevents the median nerve from being compressed or otherwise strained. However, with traditional straight shears, it is difficult to maintain a neutral wrist position while still being able to cut at multiple angles.
Freedom of Motion
The Slider Shear addresses this problem, with an ergonomic swiveling thumb ring that allows cutting at any angle while still keeping a neutral wrist position, effectively reducing the risk of developing a repetitive strain injury. The thumb ring can spin and slide, so any angle that would require a contorted wrist position can be done with a straight wrist. This ensures comfort in the short term and reduced the chance of developing a repetitive stress injury in the long term.